Commentary: Is There a New Mexico Muslim Terrorist Compound Cover-Up?

Sarah Backus
by CHQ Staff


Two weeks ago, Siraj Ibn Wahhaj was arrested along with several other adults at a squalid compound in New Mexico. Wahhaj is the son of a Brooklyn imam, also named Siraj Wahhaj, who was named by prosecutors as an unindicted co-conspirator in the 1993 World Trade Center bombing, the New York Post reported.

During the raid eleven abused children were taken into care by authorities and the remains of one dead child (since identified as Wahhaj’s son) were found at the compound. Lucas Morton, Jany Leveille, 35, Hujrah Wahhaj, 38, and Subhannah Wahhaj, 35, were arrested along with Wahhaj on the property on Friday and all face child abuse charges according to Fox News.

After the arrest attorneys for the five Muslim adults claimed that they were being persecuted by Islamophobic and racist police.

New Mexico Judge Sarah Backus, an elected Democrat, set a nominal $20,000 bail for the five defendants and ordered the two men and three women to wear ankle monitors, have weekly contact with their attorneys and not consume alcohol or own firearms while on bail. She said although she was concerned by “troubling facts,” prosecutors failed to articulate any specific threats to the community.

Now it turns out those “troubling facts” were even more troubling than the judge let on.

Prosecutors have now filed a motion to have the defendants’ bail revoked, including a handwritten document titled “Phases of a Terrorist Attack.” The document speaks of confronting and attacking “corrupt” institutions, including Atlanta’s Grady Memorial Hospital. Prosecutors also introduced evidence that the defendants discussed dying in jihad and laid out a defensive perimeter with an escape tunnel and underground stash of weapons and ammunition.

As part of the request, prosecutors on Friday cited not only the death of three-year-old Abdul-Ghani Wahhaj at the remote site but also plans by the defendants to attack law enforcement and “specific targets such as teachers, schools, banks and other ‘corrupt’ institutions.”

CNN reports the 13-page motion filed Friday said items found at the compound included the “Phases of a Terrorist Attack” document.

According to the report by Ray Sanchez, the handwritten document contained “instructions for ‘The one-time terrorist,’ instructions on the use of a ‘choke point,’ a location ‘called the ideal attack site,’ the ‘ability to defend the safe haven,’ the ‘ability to escape-perimeter rings,’ and ‘sniper position detection procedure,'” according to the court filing.

Some of the children at the compound told police that Morten allegedly “stated he wished to die in Jihad, as a martyr,” prosecutors said in the motion reported by Sanchez.

“At times, Jany Leveille would laugh and joke about dying in Jihad as would Subhanna Wahhaj,” according to the court document reviewed by Mr. Sanchez.

The state’s case includes a letter from Morten encouraging the brother of Siraj Wahhaj to follow Allah “until he makes you die a martyr as you wanted and the only way is by joining the righteous.”

The relative was advised to “take all your money out of the bank and bring your guns,” according to Mr. Sanchez’s review of the court document.

The children told police that Leveille “intended to confront ‘corrupt’ institutions or individuals, such as the military, big businesses, CIA, teachers/schools and reveal the ‘truth’ to these corrupt institutions or individuals,” the document reported by CNN said.

If her message failed to persuade members of those institutions, the plan called for her to signal Siraj Wahhaj to “shoot or otherwise attack the non-believer.”

Although there have been allegations the FBI had the compound and Wahhaj under surveillance, so far, the public faces of the investigation and arrests have been local Taos County, New Mexico, authorities.

We wonder if there will be any follow-up to the terrorism leads in this matter and, when all is said and done, if any terrorism charges will be pursued or filed.

The evidence of a “no terrorism connection” cover-up is beginning to build, despite the facts that the “Phases of a Terrorist Attack” document was discovered, calls for violent attacks against “non-believers” have been found and references to jihad introduced into evidence, to say nothing of the fact that the compound’s leader, Siraj Wahhaj, is the son of an Imam and head of a major Brooklyn mosque, who has amply documented ties to Muslim terrorism.

Or maybe that’s the reason; it is because Imam Siraj Wahhaj is a leader in the separatist American Islamist movement, spoke at the “Jummah at the DNC” at the 2012 Democratic Nation Convention and is a closely connected with a number of Democrat politicians.

What’s more it seems very strange that with three of his children in residence at the compound, and letters calling another son to “take all your money out of the bank and bring your guns” emanating from the compound, Imam Siraj Wahhaj took no action thus far revealed to direct his offspring away from the path of violent attacks on “non-believers.”

This isn’t the first Muslim terrorism compound discovered in a remote area of the southwestern United States.

As KRDO’s Heather Skold reported last year, back in 1992 in a remote mountain camp just outside Buena Vista, Colorado, law enforcement raided dozens of members who grafted themselves into a radical Islamic ideology.  Men, women, children – living on a 101-acre compound, learning the ways of jihad as taught by their leader: Sheikh Mubarak Al Gilani, a Muslim leader, headquartered in Pakistan.

An immense weapons cache, hidden in abandoned mine shafts, including blades, AK-47s, M-16s and bomb-making materials was also discovered.

And there were other similarities to the New Mexico compound; no running water or working electricity and members living a polygamist lifestyle – the similarities between the Amalia, New Mexico compound and the Ul Fuqra’s camp in Chaffee County, Colorado are too obvious to overlook.

You can read Heather Skiold’s coverage of the 1992 case through this link. 

This lack of interest on the part of the FBI follows the same disturbing pattern the FBI displayed after the Las Vegas concert massacre in which the Agency quickly announced, “no terrorism connection” and quickly disappeared from the scene of the investigation.

The question is who called them off and why?












Reprinted with permission from

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One Thought to “Commentary: Is There a New Mexico Muslim Terrorist Compound Cover-Up?”

  1. Let’s see. Prosecutors missed the 10 day deadline . The compound was bulldozed destroying all the evidence. You tell me.
